Self-Contained Session Terms & Conditions

Download date applies.

A Good Place Self-Contained Session Agreement

**Guidelines for emergency contact**

I cannot provide an emergency service for clients.

If you found yourself in a major crisis and were considering serious self-harm it would be vital to get immediate help.

This could include contacting your GP, or your nearest accident and emergency service (A & E).

If you are in the UK you can get specialist support by calling 111, option 2 24 hours a day. You could also call the Samaritans on 08457 909090 or email (email emergency support).

If outside the UK provide a list of contacts.

This agreement covers our work together under the Self-Contained Session service.

My name is Alison Moore. I am a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, demonstrating that I have worked in Public Health for more than 5 years. I am a long-standing Registered Accredited member of BACP, a quality standard for experienced practitioners. I have been a business mentor for 30 years and am passionate about helping others live their best lives.

I bring all my experience and qualifications together to offer a self-contained session experience which is a blend of mentoring, coaching and counselling. I offer this to clients who wish to gain clarity and create a strategy to make life changes.

You, the client, are solely responsible for creating your own physical, mental and emotional well-being, and implementing decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of or resulting from our Self-Contained Session relationship and your Self-Contained Session calls and interactions with me (the ‘Counsellor’).

As such, the Client agrees that the Counsellor is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Counsellor.

Client further acknowledges that they may terminate or discontinue the Self-Contained Session relationship at

any time.

Client acknowledges that Self-Contained Session is a comprehensive process that may involve different areas of their life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. The Client agrees that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate Self-Contained Session principles into those areas and

implementing choices, is exclusively the Client’s responsibility.

Client acknowledges that Self-Contained Session does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the NHS, and that Self-Contained Session is not to be used as a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals and that it is the Client’s exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed.

If Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, the Client may wish to inform the mental health care provider of the nature and extent of the Self-Contained Session relationship agreed upon by the Client and the Counsellor.

The Client understands that in order to enhance the Self-Contained Session relationship, the Client agrees to

communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the programme.

What does a Self-Contained Session offer?

You will book an appointment via the web calendar and make payment using a Credit or Debit card. Appointments are usually available within 48 hours. This is the time when we agree to meet using video calling (Zoom). We can use telephone if you wish.

What happens if I have to cancel the appointment, or I have computer/ connection problems which prevent me keeping the appointment?

I require at least 2 business days (Monday to Friday) notice of cancellation of an appointment. If you have to cancel with less notice your fee is not refunded. Emergencies occur, and I will always try to accommodate rearranging an appointment in these circumstances – please let me know. Where either party experiences a technological breakdown which prevents us meeting online, we would discuss how to re-arrange the scheduled appointment. If this is not possible, you will receive a credit for your next session or a refund.

About the way I work

I will provide, to the best of my ability, an online space that endeavours to create a supportive, non-judgmental environment in which you will be given time and space to understand and gain insight into your situation. This process can foster growth and lead to positive change in your life. I will not tell you what to do, I will make observations and together we will help you gain clarity and create a strategy to make the changes you wish to.

There may also be occasions where I may misunderstand something which you have tried to convey to me during online meetings. I might therefore ask if you could clarify this for me. I hope you will feel comfortable in being able to do the same if you have misunderstood anything which I have said or that you feel I have implied.

Online sessions are different to face-to-face work, as misunderstandings may occur due to a lack of facial expressions and tone of voice. We agree to think the best of each other and then try to express how we are feeling.

Zoom systems are subject to failure – if you have not had a response from me by the agreed time, please do

telephone me on +44 1258 577570 to let me know.

Confidentiality and Security

The counsellor client relationship is confidential, except where there is a legal responsibility to disclose information, these are subjects such as terrorism, money laundering and radicalisation. I have regular Supervision, to ensure I provide a safe, professional service to my clients. The content of our sessions, including emails/Zoom chat etc, may be discussed, but not your personal details.

All personal information disclosed will be kept confidential and not used for any purposes other than a client record. Your name, contact details, appointments and invoices are stored on specialist software, Kartra. Like me, Kartra takes its responsibility to keep your data secure very seriously and is GDPR compliant. Your data is stored encrypted on secure servers.  All client material is treated in complete confidence and is removed from Kartra three years after the end of our work together, or when I last hear from you.

Maintaining the privacy of your online exchanges with a counsellor

Please ensure that you secure your computer and emails against unauthorised viewing by third parties. This may include adopting the use of password protection for all personal email accounts and documents etc. It is recommended that you do not engage in Self-Contained Session using a public computer or in a public place – where the content of exchanges could be viewed or heard by others in the close proximity.

Video or other recording

You have the option to have a recording or transcript of your video session. This is completely optional. The recording is for your use only, I do not keep a copy. If you are unsure, you can choose to have the session recorded, and at the end decide you wish to delete immediately. You are responsible for ensuring the secure storage of any recordings/transcripts. If you are unsure if you can store recordings privately, then I would suggest no recording is made.


The fee is £100 and is payable per Zoom session.  Payment to be made online via Credit or Debit card when booking the session.

Legal and Data Protection Information

I am based in England and this service is provide under such laws as apply here at this time.

I will use your details for running my business, including contacting you about appointments and providing information if think you will find helpful. I will not contact you for any other reason. I will keep records for 3 years.

You have the right to ask to see the information I hold about you, please ask me and you can view it in a session. You can ask me to change any information that I hold about you that is incorrect. You have the right to ask me to delete information that I hold about you, which I will do save for that which I have a legal obligation to keep – for example, for my business tax purposes.

If you wish to complain about how I handle your data, in the first instance please contact me, Alison Moore, who is the Data Controller at A Good Place. Data Protection Registration reference: Z2636721. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction you can contact the Information Commissioners Office or 0303 123 1113.

The service is carried out under the guidelines of the British Association of Psychotherapy and Counselling (BACP) Ethical Framework for Good Practice, with whom I am a Registered Accredited Counsellor.

Suitability of Self-Contained Session

Not all types of issues can be resolved through online self-contained session work.

I will advise you if I consider that some other form of support might be more appropriate to your personal needs and presenting issues. Where I consider that Self-Contained Session would not be the most suitable means of support, I will make every effort to assist you in a referral to a suitable alternative source of support.

I am not able to provide Self-Contained Session to any person who is under the age of 18. If this applies to you, I can help with information on referral to other agencies providing face-to-face support services or online work which is specifically directed to a younger age group.

If you’ve any questions about the above, please contact me via email: